Thursday, August 18, 2011

International Connecting Flights at Pudong Airport?

I searched for information on-line and it was unsuccessful. I will be traveled from Bangkok, Thailand to Shianghai, Pudong airport. Then, two hours later, I will be connecting to the American Airlines going to Chicago. Do I need any type of transit visa? I am holding a US pport. I thought, it would be considered as International Connecting flights. Based on the information that I have, I will be arrival in Terminal 1, at Pudong and depart to the USA, at Terminal 2. Anyone who has the experience, please let me know where or what web site I could obtain the information. Thank you.

Smart packer for camp?

hey! im going to a 3 day camp in a couple days. i can use one suitcase and one backpack. the camp is northern ontario in canada. its suppossedly cold up there in canada. can you guys help me make a packing list? thx!

I had a weird dream about my crush, Please Hlp?

erflies mean your relaxed. People u dont know mean ur going to expand ur friendship. Squirles meen peace.

I have severe Mottephobia?

Face your fear head on! People may not agree with how to deal with phobia's but you need to face it. Do research on them, force your self to look at one when it comes in the house. Now I wouldn't suggest this if you were scared of like rattle snakes, but a moth is harmless. Be stronger than the phobia and don't let it control your life. Good Luck.

How and why did so many European countries possess tered or discontinuous territories?

How and why did so many European countries possess tered or discontinuous territories? What does this suggest abut European politics in this period ?

Shouldn't steroid and drug enhancements be more strict in Major League Baseball?

There are a few minor league guys that if they get caught again they are on lifetime ban. They do enough testing. The first time is a 50 game suspension. The second is a 100 game suspension and the third offense is a lifetime ban. Baseball has made great strides to improve the game and I think they are doing a good job at cleaning up the sport. I think that if a guy is gifted enough he would be smart enough to realize he can reach the big leagues without the help of steroids.

Chest pains?

I'm 22, and I was told a few months ago when I went for a pregnancy test for my Accutane that I have high cholesterol. At night or early in the mornings, usually when I haven't had enough rest, my heart will "flutter" or race. My mom and my sister both have mitro-valve prolapse, and I was tested for it when I was in high school, but they said I didn't have it. Now I'm having chest pains. I'm not sure how to tell if it's gas or something to be worried about. It's usually at night when I'm laying down, and it happens on both sides of my chest. Sometimes it shoots down my arm, which I know is a sign of a heart attack, but it doesn't really hurt that bad. And also, I had the flu a couple of weeks ago, and my heart rate was 130, and then went down to 120 the next day. I'd taken a 12-hour decongestant at abut 3:00 the morning before I went to the doctor for the flu. My mom said that may have caused my heart to race. Should i go see a doctor about all this? And how do I know if it's just gas?

Taking communion when not baptized?

I was at a wedding ceremony yesterday where they invited all "baptized Christians" to take communion. This kind of confused me. I thought that communion was symbolic of the last supper where he gave the bread and wine to his dinner companions. Those men and women were certainly not baptized. So, what does it matter to the church if you take communion if you are not baptized? Even if it is "against" their rules, does it really matter to God?

Who thinks Hugh Jackson should play the lead role in Dirty Harry II or The good the bad the ugly II?

The guy could definately step in as the new Clint Eastwood. Maybe have "Eastwood direct the films.

What's your opinion on people who smoke marijuana?

I smoke occionally and as far as I know I haven't hurt anyone by doing it. It's funny that you are so harsh on pot smokers yet you didn't mention any other drug like the most obvious....nicotine! Which kills thousands a year. Same with drinking. Let me ask you this....How many times have you heard of a man coming home and beating his wife after a night of drinking? quite a few I bet. Now how many times have you heard of a man coming home and beating his wife after smoking a joint? Willing to bet you've never heard of that happening. I think you may be picking on the wrong group of people and the wrong drug!


So I have an essay about Leonardo Fibonacci due tomorrow. I need to make sure I got everything. First, what were some historical events during his lifetime? Second, was there anyone who influenced or impacted him? And I guess that is it. Please give me sites or answers. Thanks :)

Cheat code for glider on Spaceship in Myst?

I am tone deaf. I have never been able to get past the organ/glider puzzle in the space ship in the PC game Myst (the original one). I have tried everything including counting as I push the glider, but still have never been successful. Anyone have a down and dirty cheat code or found a way to do this easily?

Bank requires a letter showing someone will act as a "General Contractor"?

Tell them that you did not hire a GC. As the owner, you acted as your own GC and coordinated the work of the various trades.

How would you use the word triumph in a sentence?

Good will always triumph over evil, or have it be about her favorite Disney type movie, a good guy will always triumph over the bad one. The hard part is the tense of the word not being able to add the s.

Question about Darwinian science?

Darwinism teaches that mindless evolution resulted in the complexity of life now existing. Evolution operates without intelligent guideance, without any directed purpose. It has no mind. It does not think. But humans possess a unique intellect specifically engineered to methodically and systematically seek to make sense of things. This implies an inherent need to understand the meaning and purpose of their existence. HOW could a purely naturalistic accident of physics result in creatures that are capable of the things that the force which brought it into existence is not capable of? That is creation from nothing. Mind created from mindlessness. Could mindlessness create an ability that is beyond its own ability? If a tornado whips through a junkyard, can it emble a Beoing 747? Darwinian science is really a religion that believes a thing can create an ability that is beyond its own ability. As such requires MUCH more faith than Christianity. Even blind faith.

What is your favorite perfume?

I usually do not like perfumes since they all seem too heavy. I recently discovered one I like, Daisy by Marc Jacobs. Light and very clean smelling. what is your favorite? Do you have a trademark scent?

The Vaux-le-Vicomte ...heard it had alligators in the moat. But I need a source (a LINK to a website)?

Please help. Its for my extra credit and Im only asking for your help with finding a site that metions alligator in the moat. Please help!

Why are "amazing science facts" in the Qu'ran always retroactively found, why doesn't it have predictive power?

Because the Qur'an was written by people hundreds of years ago who knew very very little about science, and because there is no 'divine knowledge' in it. The author(s) got plenty of things wrong that even the Ancient Greeks already knew about, 800 years earlier.


I don't normally shop at Walmart but I've bought 2 different pair of cheetah shoes there and also try Payless Shoe Store. You might not have much luck though, its spring, everyone is coming out with brighter colors. Also try Ebay.

Any Londonders dreading 2012?

Anyone else think it's a huge waste of money and are dreading the events themselves because of the havoc it will cause with already congested roads and trains? I've got this horrible feeling the country will be embarred. And another thing, why are they insisting on removing 55,000 seats from the main stadium afterwards - it makes no sense to me. If they left it at 80,000 they'd get a London Premier League team to take it over no problem, but with 25,000 seats it's far too small. Sounds like more wasted money to me.

I'm absolutely dying right now on a bank short. Need advice?

OK, so I screwed up and shorted B of A right before they banned shorting on the financial stocks (no need to comment...I know I made a mistake). I am so tempted just to buy to cover this morning, take the loss, and go back in heavy on a few banking stocks today with the anticipation that bank stocks soar (yes, I'm uming the vote goes through). If I hold on to this and this vote doesn't go through, I will be doing quite well on the short (but I think I'm fooling myself)

If anyone is bored & feel like reading something I said in another person's question?

The evidence doesn't support this. While there were a very very few who found Judaism a curiosity they had their own system.

Can the Cowboys defense contain Larry Fitzgerald on game day?

Probably not. The fact is that their secondary is injured right now. They only good corner they have who hasn't really produced in Dallas is Adam Jones. Other than that they will have a rookie starting in for Terrance Newman. The Dallas defense is the major reason why they are not the best in the NFC. Dallas realistically should be 3-2 but their offense kept them alive on Sunday. The problem is that the Dallas LB's are not getting to the QB. They are also allowing too many rushing yards and allowing receivers to get open and score too often. If they don't shore up their D Line and get it together in the secondary, you can count them out for a super bowl run.

Poor Credit! Need A Car! HELP!!!!!?

My car (A Honda Civic) is under my father's name and the lease will be up in June. (I've been paying it though all this time) I'm over the miles, I am supposed to turn it in by 36,000 miles and I am at 50,000. My credit is horrible right now b/c of 2 past credit cards that went into collenctions b/c of deliquency 2 years back (i just finished paying 1 off in october) and I am currently paying the other one off, plus my bank account went negative at the time and i have applied to atleast 10 credit cards since then.. so my credit is horrible.. I need to take out another car in June, how would I go about that? I have 5 months to clean up my credit. Is it possible? DO I save money for a down payment? I CANNOT get a co-signer b/c my father no longer wants to have his name under my car and my mother has bad credit. I was looking to take out a MINI-COOPER... please help!!!!! is it possible to pay off the over-mileage under my name even though the car was under my dads name? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is the UK a safe country?

Couldn't agree more. However, don't think its just Brown fiddling whilst The UK burns. The others will be just as bad.

2004 Nissan Quest 3.5 SL?

Yes, That sounds great. I own a 2004 Nissan Quest SL. Everything you mentioned. They are nice vans. I paid 10,500 for mine with 50k miles on it 2 years ago. It has 90k on it now, still going, I think its time for a tune-up. Can't give any tips as of what to look for on it , other than at around 2k rpm you might hear a rattling noise, its the muffler guard on the pipe, just needs to be bent out.

I would love your input?

Both sound cool / creative. I might like option 2 more, sounds a little more out of the box. good luck

Asteroid coming for earth soon?

So I saw this thing on aol news and said the US is preparing for an asteroid. Did you hear any thing about this? When is is going to happen??

Back to the Dark Ages?

Considering the rise of the racists and religious bigots in the world today; the rejection of science and the general loss of intelligence of humanity is this a sign that civilization has reverted to the Dark Ages? Did the progress of science and understanding never happened or are humans merely nothing more than vicious, hate-filled spastics would only care to kill, main and throw feces at each other?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where do I get irregularly sized jeans?

Hi. I'm a 19-year-old male whose pants have never quite fit. I'm looking for 30x34s, since 30x32s are a bit too short. I'd really rather not get them online, and I'd like to find them cheap. Wal-Mart doesn't have them, and I'm pretty illiterate clothing-wise, so help!

Why is it that in a bag of skittles or thing of starbursts....?

There are more yellow and orange and all the yucky ones that hardly anyone likes, than there are red and pink ones that everyone loves?! Is there a valid answer to this?

British synonym ?

I love the British culture as much as I love the British people. I can't remember for the life of me a work people use to explain that. I remember the word starts with the letter "a" and it means that you love the British. so can anyone help me out?

Songs for a long car ride?

i am going to be driving down to florida and im leaving at 4 in the morning. i need A LOT of songs to put on my ipod that will help me relax and fall asleep. i like lifehouse's broken, and basically anything of lifehouse, kelly clarkson, and alternative artists! another playlist i need is like pump up songs for when im out by the pool! i love i made it by kevin rudolf and things like that! so please help :)

Petroleum is a mixture of hydrocarbons of various sizes.?

second question: different # of carbon-hydrogen bonds make different melting/boiling points, so they can be separated by heating to different forms.

Solve this Brain teaser Puzzle......I am waiting for best answer?

A Lame boy kissed a girl, A Dumb Boy see this. How this Dumb boy will say this incident to the Blind Boy, who is the brother of Girl?

Guys. Do you prefer to ask a girl out, or t be asked out?

i would ask someone out however if they had an interest in me id hope they could approach me as well....

How do i gain access to become an Xbox 360 beta tester?

I wish to become an Xbox 360 beta tester because a few of my friends do it and say its great. i was just wondering how to do it. Thanks

How do you feel about the names?

I love the name Aerial and the name Summer is cute, but the other two are not my faves. Starr would be a nice middle name, though.

Beef roast in a crock pot?

I'm cooking a 3 1/2 pound beef roast in a crock pot. I added a can of beef broth and seasoning plus veggies. I am cooking it on high. It has been in there almost 4 hours. It still feels really tough when I stick a fork in it. Does it have a chance at being good? What should I do?

In the C-13 isotope, what does the 13 represent? What is the # of protons, neutrons, and electrons?

Ohh i just learned about this in science cl Im like pretty sure it is the number of protons. but i hate science so im not guna say im 100 percent sure on this one

Is francisco rodriguez for ZImmerman a good trade?

I think whoever is getting Zimmerman in this deal, will be getting the better end of things. That said if the person giving up Ryan had another good 3B and really needs a RP then this trade would be good for him also. Both players are playing great baseball and are both ranked near eachother on the Y! ranks list. So as you can see there are more things to take into consideration, other then what info you have provided me with. But the trade seems to be fair. GL

Should I marry him, tell him the baby might not be his, or get an abortion to save the band?

dont get an abotion please thats like murder you are killing a baby for your own elfish reasons :'( dont please. the best thing you can do is tell the truth :'( but please dont get an abortion :(

Why must the DNA be duplicated during the S phase of the cell cycle, prior to mitosis?

During mitosis, the DNA condenses into chromosomes, which are highly compact. So DNA must duplicate before mitosis begins and when the DNA strands are loose.

Saturday Night Live or MadTv?

Well today's Saturday and we all know that our favourite shows are going to be on. Just to be Curious, What do you like petter, SNL or MadTv?

Why are people so stupid?

one of my best friends is making a hugh mistake with marring a guy she dated over myspace and cheated on her and called off their engagement once already and they have only ever seen each other in person once for four days ad all they did was have and the second day of ever seeing and knowing her in person he ask her to marrie him and being the way she is she said yes. i just want to know why some people are so stupid and go back to be like that

Australia 6 England 0, Woe is whom? Will they pull one back?

Thank God they did it but a bit like almost snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! They really do need to get their act together!

How to practice a REALLY boring piano piece?

I have to learn the piano part for the Beethoven piano trio number 3, (third movement, youtube it) I know it's a great piece of music and all, but I just get SOOOOO bored practicing it! I can play it ok, but the summer camp I have to play it in starts on august first and I can only play it adagio , not the presstissimo it's supposed to be! And on top of that, my piano teacher is the camp's director and I don\t want to dissapoint her or the other members in the trio. I don't not like the piece, it's just SOOOOOOO boring!!! And it's really easy too, but just soo incredibly tedious, I am used to being a soloist, not a chamber musician. Should I just slug it out and play it over and over a million times till it's stuck in my head? I don't usually practice that way, but I am running out of time and ideas...

Did Adam and Eve have before they sinned?

Probably, they were told to populate the earth, which usually involves a certain deed. It should be noted they were married (as suggested by them being made of "one flesh"), so no sin there, lol, and yes, they were comfortable with there nudity, because they had no sin to distort their view of each other's bodies. After their sin, they were introduced to perversion, and saw each other as objects rather than human beings, thus necessitating cloths to.

My baby corn snake wont eat please help?

bought baby corn snake. had her for 4 weeks now. was told that she would eat a frozen pinkie once every week..she missed the first week..ate 1 on the 2nd week..tried again in the third week nothing..wouldnt eat. she then shed 2 days after..tried again to feed her a pinkie which we thawed in hot water for half hour..still nothing .waited to the next day and tried again but nothing..she just wont eat. also left pinkie and her together in container over night and still she wont eat..dont understand please help with any advise to get her to eat..also tried poking hole in pinkies head nothing works.


The portal system leading to the Ark that they activate early in Halo 3. They activate it at the end of the mission where the Master Chief has to destroy the Covenant Artillery cannon on that hill. Right after that, the flood infected ship drops in.

How can you tell if your kitty broke her tail?

My kitty does not want me to touch her lower backside, she growls and cries. I dont know how she got injured, she is strictly an indoor cat. She is not walking funny, although she walks very carefully.She eats and drinks fine. I have not seen any poop around her rectum, and she is going in the litter box. She cannot jump very well, but I have kept her from doing it alltogether. I touched her ears to see if they were hot from a fever, they are warm. I am wondering if anyone else has had this similar situation. I am afraid of the vet charges because I know they are expensive..can anyone help?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is it legal to shoot a tresper?

I live in shelton washington and i was wondering if it was legal to shoot a tresper who is in your barn. where you have 2 horses. But it is clearly posted that there is no tresping.

Which oriental asian girl(s) have you dated?

firstly, the mongolian is not oriental. they are central asian and second... why da hell like to put down them with such a question?? so fun? or low self-esteem or so jealous that white guys go for them rather than a hooked nose one? huh...and third, I'm woman so I never dated girl but I have been attacted to the asian man like burmese.

Do you think this is right? Would you take this as an example for your life?

Yah. The bible is filled with male chauvinism. It starts right there in the beginning. God creates Adam in his own image, but then when he creates Eve, he create her in Adams image. So Women is one step further from god than man, as Eve was to Adam.

With random generated #, how do I get code to match step 2 ("You matched all digits: you win $3,000"?

I would say convert your lottery result and lottery pick to strings and use string methods to compare strings or any parts...

Supposed to be having my period... dark brown discharge instead?

Thats normal. Almost every girl gets brown discharge before the start their period. I do the same but i start 2 weeks after the brown

Advanced Find and Replace in office word 2003?

press 'contol' and 'f' together...ull get a bar ..u can find any word and can replace the word...wherever it is in the doent....(all of them will change)

Do Australians really ever say "Let's put another shrimp on the barbie?"?

I'd imagine, not. Kind of like I'd imagine people from the U.K. don't walk around saying "evening gov-na" while wearing top hats with monocles, and people in new york don't ever say "Hey I'm walkin' here!!" when they bump into you on the streets.

Atheists: Do you believe the idea of a God to be impossible, or just the Christian God?

Do you think of God as a creator that wants to control us? Are you open to the idea of a gigantic collective consciousness, that we are a part of but unaware of at the moment? Are you open to the idea of multiple dimensions that would defy all of our logic?

What QB should i start?

Go with Brees, you don't pick him to be on the bench and he will be looking to prove something against the Steelers defense.

Should I care what anybody else thinks?

Wow. Don't ever let anyone influence who you date. These people that make fun of you are morons. It says a lot more about them than it does about you. Get back together with this guy and don't worry about what these other idiots think. I certainly hope these people are not your 'friends'. If they are, get new friends. If they insult you, be the bigger person and ignore it. They're just losers.

Who do you want to win American Idol 2009?

Yeah I know I just made a question with the same thing but I don't care. I want to know who you want to win American Idol? I want Danny to win, if not Danny then Kris. I think that no matter if Adam wins or not that he will make an awesome album and he will make tons of money. Plus he has be in singing shows live and stuff. So Im a gokey fan! What are you?

Is something happening to this planet?

It's scary, isn't it. Unfortunetly, no one has the answer to it, not even the smartest man on the planet. But it could have something to do with global warming.

How do I tell that the Nickel in [ NiO₂]²⁻ exists as a Nickel 2+ ion and that the compound is not a covalent?

Covalent bondings are bonds between nonmetals. Nickel is a metal. Thus, it cannot be a covalent bonding. It has to be ionic.

Kevin Smith against Steelers Defense or Julius Jones against Jaguars Defense?


I have to read these books for my english cl next year. Which one should I read first?

I can't belive that they're still making kids read A Seperate Peace. I read that in school over 10 years ago.

Maplestory is ruined....?

Do you think that game made itself and has new content all by itself? Game makers are some of the hardest working people in any industry. Their creativeness is constantly being sucked out of them, they work forever to get the tiniest details right and people still complain. These people deserve to be paid and people like you mooching off the gaming industry so you can play free games and think you have the right to complain.

Career repairing / fixing ecu's / ecm's ?

well, you may want to consider getting a two year electrical engineering technology degree, and combine that with an automotive degree. This way instead of learning just ECU, you will have good integrated circuit troubleshooting and design skills.

What a british guy will expect from india?

I am from India, I have some british contacts. I would like to ask them, if they are expecting anything from India. But before that I would like to get some ideas what british guys may expect from India. So please give me your Ideas. I am expecting some monetary income through this.

Need a rock song (with a topic of bidding farewell)?

i need a song that contain guitar-b-drums-singer (basically a normal rock song) but the song(s) im looking for need to have a mood and kind of like a "bidding farewell" tone and lyrics, because we're going to play it on the day before she move to some other state. any good song that could fulfill my request??

How true is the following statement?

Disagree, since I never use editing for the lighting. Skin softening, cloning something out, adding texture, etc are what I do with editing, not fix lighting.

To follow on from a previous question...? + ANOTHER WQ INSIDE!!!?

I am satisfed with jeicho, matt hardy , pricless, and beth phionex and shelton bejemen. I love santino, but he is not ic title matierl, he is a horrible worker, but I do like him, I would have lance cade as ic champ. HHH has had the title too long. I would replace him with MVP. I would replace the edgeheads( what have they done) with putting crime tyme on smackdown and making them champs. Then I would replace the divas by BLOWUNG IT UP, IT IS A PIECE OF CRAP! If not let natlya hold it.

Atheists... In regards to the "Noah family at altitude" questions....?

.... Is it to much trouble for you to look up what altitude is? Or maybe, have the slightest bit of understanding what causes atmospheric pressure?

What's the point of being apat of Phi Theta Kappa?

I've been a PTK member for 2 months now and I will have the seal on my transcript and diploma, but whats the point?

Since warren buffet makes his money from capital gains think we should raise his capitol gains taxes?

Yes, and Warren Buffet agrees with you. Just yesterday he said that the wealthy people have been getting it too good and that it has gotten better for them the last 20 years. He also said that Trickle down does not work and that the wealthy should be taxed.

What to do about my child's school?

ok i have a 5 year old boy in kindergarten. hes a bit rowdy but has never been violent towards other children. every since school started ive been getting reports home that hes been hitting, kicking, spitting. i understand new places are hard to adjust to so i was taking the teachers word for it. so when my son gets home he get his tv time taken away and put in the Corner. i send a note to school abut 2 times a week asking various questions and the teacher wont respond. she suggested i get him tested for adhd (which there's a good chance my son might have it since me and his father both do) i tried putting him on medications but it made him clumsy and he refused to eat anything. i did some more looking and found the medications contain amphetamine the same ingredients found in speed and cocaine. not to mention some kids have even died from them. so i took him off and refused to put him on any of the other medications. the teacher keeps suggesting different medications but i stand my ground no! when in gym another of his teachers noticed his shoe was in like 5 different knots. and made him sit in time out till he untied the knots. he told her he couldn't do it but she still made him sit there so he got frustrated and threw his shoe at her. i in no way condone the throwing of his shoe and did punish him. but she called to tell me what happen and admitted she herself could not undo the knot . so what makes her think my 5 year old could undo it? then i get a call from mrs. nash saying the teacher sent a referral that my son wont follow direction and is having academic trouble. when the teacher told me my son was getting 100s on all his test. then when i talked to the teacher she said he was right on grade lvl but he will fail in the future. i tried talking to the principle but she takes the teachers side. since my son has already been deemed a trouble maker. before school first started we were told we could come up and sit in cl and observe our child. but now that school has started we have to wait at least 6 months in before they let us do that. on many occasions the school flip flops what it says. yesterday my child came home with a bump on his head from falling. when i asked his teacher why wasn't i told she said cause it wasn't life threatening. and he never told her. then she goes on to tell me he falls out his chair alot and last week when he fell out his chair and hurt his he mooned her to show her his boo - boo. so using that same logic if he only barely hurt his bottom and told her when he hit his head and came home complaining about a knot on his head wouldn't he have told her since it was much more painful then the bottom issue? i think since my son has already been deemed a trouble maker they treat him differently. so what should i do?

Is it wrong to lust after horses?

My real name is charlie m.and I have a good amount of good looking,still,and I don't get turned by girls anymore.When my brother frank took me to the kentucky derby,before I bought a soda,i watched the lineupmand stangely I got hard.Now I obsess over horses.This cost me my friendships and cost me my relationship with my man doug,i was gay all my life,and now without joking,im letting you know,i want a horse real bad,and hope it's not wrong.and yes,its because of the size of equipment that a male horse has,and I want it.

Monday, August 15, 2011

MTG - Kicked Blood Tribute+Sanguine Bond vs. Reinforced Bulwark.?

Remember that there's a difference between dealing damage and losing life. Being dealt damage results in that much life being lost, but losing life doesn't necessarily mean damage was dealt. Since Sanguine Bond just says "loses life", not "deals damage", that means no damage is dealt, so the Bulwark can't do anything to prevent it.

What do you think about the Luciferian magickal system?

personally, i think that the author is trying to unmask the relationship between good and evil, knowledge/wisdom and ignorance, etc by using the god/devil approach instead of using a more realistic approach of personal ethics based upon experience and society.

Should i have to complete or go for field training in minning/exploration company?

i have completed in geology after that i want to go for trainee job in minning/exploration company or any company who can utilize my potentials and trained me to be a good geologist

B&A: A little help, if you would?

I like it. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but I do not believe you should feel ANY obligation to show it to your counseler. Most of the most successful writers say that until it's published they don't show their work to anyone besides their editors.

I need some answer!!?

If you posted these as seperate questions you might have far better luck but this is a little, for lack of better word, overwhelming.

Does anyone know the name of a particular rock/rap song?

I'm looking for a particular rap/rock song i heard on Sirius Alt Nation the other day. The lyrics of the chorus are "I don't know where I am going, but I know where I have been". Does anyone know the name of this song?

I think I broke my poo-pusher!!!?

I was playing with the joystick last night and suddenly my little pony bent at the middle and now my willie is bent to the left from the middle to the top. What happened to my sweet little Harry Wang?

I Am FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Well girl wheather you want me to or not size 6 is skinny try being a size 12 and then ask me if size 6 isn't skinny. You need to seek some professional help to show you that size 0 is aneroxic and you need to be happy with where you are now. Sorry to be so strait forward but I don't want to see you make yourself sick. Good luck and God Bless!

Looking for a good crock pot, pot roast recipe?

i'd like to cook the veggies, (carrots, taters, and onions), with the roast. it's about a 3.5 pound roast. also, i think i would prefer to pan seer the roast first. thank you. jim

Why isn't FSHouston channel Showing the Houston Rockets Game?

I live in victoria texas and FSHouston channel 37 basic cable isnt showing the rockets game. I checked the date and time on and it says FSHouston 7:30(particular game) but lately they have been showing other games like the spurs game and now the mavericks game..I am not a fan of them and i would like to watch my favorite team play but FShouston isnt showing the games...I looked on the t.v on the upper right corner of the screen while a spurs game was on and it said FSSouthWest...But the T.V giaud channel says FSHouston..Today is January 22 and i looked at the rockets schedule at their website and it says they play today on FSHouston..I turned the channel to FSHouston (channel 37) An their freakin showing a Mavericks Game!!!...So why isnt FSHouston showing The Rockets Game?

Miami Heat Rosters....?

They aren't good enough right now to make it. Other teams like the 76ers are going to get better, unless they make a trade, they won't make the playoffs.

How can I get my previous instant messages? I have the old program so it can be done, but I forgot. plz help.?

I just need to know where to go on my puter to read my old IMs. They must be stored somewhere. I also wonder how can I de-cript any messages in a coded language and how to write a coded message?

Will My Laptop Be Able To Play Sims 3?

Your CPU and RAM are sufficient. The minimum required is a GMA X3100. The GMA 4500MHD is the most recent. It is capable of running Sims 3. Since it's not out, I cannot tell you how well it can run. I ume medium to low settings.

Where can i elmo version cap?

any ideas?i found the Sesame Street Cap Big Face Elmo Scarlet Hat (Red) at ebay,but is quite expensive plus the shipping do i get cheap ones?

How will the british government deal with irish terrorists now they have upped their campaign?


OK, I'm 25 and he's 45 how do I tell him that I think hes HOT in a more mature way? ie:synonyms for hot(y)?

I can personally guarantee if you tell a 45 year old man that he's hot, he'll understand what you mean. I'm not 45, but you don't have to act more mature than you are. Trust me.

What kinda sickness do i have?

Well my nose feels all congested,Ive got excessive mucus in my throat which makes me cough a lot. When I cough my abs hurt.

I love him but im at a loss..?

I love him alot and hes kind of sweet towards me. We have gone through for about 2plus years, going on to 3. But some things happened which really made my trust for him waver.. And some of the more serious incidents really hurt me alot. Till now, im kind of afraid of him. I dont really dare to start the conversation etc etc. And i even find myself doubting him and being wary of him. I guess its cos i was really hurt quite badly that time. I dont know how we manage to get through these years, seriously. I really love him but im afraid that if this goes on, i will have to go through the pain and sufferings all over again.. What should i do? I really dont know. Everytime i tell myself i must move on, just a sms from him would cancel off all my efforts. I dont know why i just keep going back to him! What should i do?


My hair is about 1 inch past my shoulders and it's flippy and a but layered. any haircut you can advice to me?? PICS will be great. :-bd I can't find good pictures in google or yahoo sorry. :)

AMiGos Help plz !!!!!!! 10 points best answer?

some times when i'm walkin in the mall i find some people or girls staring at me, then when i look at them they turn, and then i turn around they start to look at me again . does this mean that they like me or just lookin at me ???shall i ask her out ? and i'm a good lookin person just a (BIT) fat but it doesn't show

Who should I start at RB?

If I were you for this week I would start LT, Lynch, McFabulous, and Stewart...Grant will bust this week. Then after today, I would trade up maybe Lynch and Stewart to try for low-end #1 WR (like Fitzgerld or Braylon E.)or 2 #2's(like Calvin J. & J. Cothchery). Keep McFabulous!!!

How to forget the lies my boyfriend has told me?

ohh this is like something that happened between me & my ex wife!! but she never stoped her lies!! so we ended up getting a divorce now im engaged & having a baby Gurl & tell him how you feel!!! it really helps!!! & he can try his best to say sorry for all his lies!!! just be honest with him!

How to speed up or upgrade my PC....?

Increase RAM to the MAX. Run defrag and system clean-up. Remove unused programs. Delete large unused files.

Can i easily get into schools like ateneo and la salle?

in the phillipines, i'm a senior in high school, section 1 in basic education curriculum (BEC).and i'm worried that i won't get into any universities.i heard that you can get in easily (in the schools i said),just find it hard to stay because of the tuition. RIGHT?

50 cents party secret on spinning on China Travel section has been exposed?

How dare you reveal our CCP spinning secret! We've been spinning public mind successfully for China on Tibet and on Xinjaing. This time we shall spin our way out of the melamine sandal, the Tibetan riots, how Hamas has gotten hold of Chinese made rockets. Don’t see our brothers and sisters have already started spinning on this section ?!

Will I break up with him?

I am with this guy who I really love, and it is my first time to be in a relationship, and I agree, love is very confusing and hard. I sit beside him in homeroom which is good so we can talk a lot. But during recess, It's like we are not together. His ex girlfriend keeps flirting and it's like they are the ones who are together and he spends more time with her than me. I wanted to break up with him a week ago but I can't because I love him and I don't want to lose him but I'm getting hurt. I really don't know what to do. He kept asking me what's wrong because he said I look so sad and different because I ain't like that before winter break. I don't know what to answer and I just don't know what to do... Please help me...

I need a new tv show to watch?

Buff the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, and Prison Break are all fantastic series with good story lines and multiple seasons.

How would you rate Janet Reno on National Security?

There were several controversies surrounding Bill Clintons former attorney general. Among them there was the handling of Elian Gonzalez and the Branch Davidians in Waco. Another issue that came about Mrs Reno was the emergence of video surveillance across the borders which is now expanding to watchtowers (border fence) today.

How do I write letter to construction contractors?

Personally I think that letters are great, uming they are written utilising great grammar and spelling (always use a spill chucker!). You can get some great tips for composing letters by following the resource in the box below, it's got plenty of extra stuff about job seeking as well.

Are pets at home rat nuggets actually nutritionally balanced?

I feed them reggie rat atm, but im worried about selective feeding so i feel the nuggets are better, but i want to make sure they actually are balanced and nutritious.

Hilary duff weight and size...?

Just wondering if anyone knows hilarys dress size and weight now? I could only find info from when she got really skinny a few years back.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


it might be what you waiting for or something else but i cant think of it sorry . hope i give you some help .

What are these warm type feelings in me?

Im with this guy who I only like as a friend. The thing is, I get these feelings I have never really felt before in my chest. I get it, times when we are together, or times when we are on the phone. It may be my mind playing tricks on me but we have dated before and due to my over thinking and insecurity over how I really feel, I broke it off. Yesterday, when I was standing with him, I got those feelings in me again, so impossible to ignore. Sometimes when we kiss, we connect. We are different than alot of others. Sometimes when we kiss though, my hormones would start to act up but I control them. If I think about things, it feels like its only platonic love. Im a logical thinker so I follow what makes sense. If I likehim as a friend, why these warm feelings?

Psychics..I feel so silly asking this but when you are desperate....?

its up to him to prove his value to your family, lets face it if you were the parent you would want the best for your daughter, daddies little girl is number one in my heart, it is every parents dream to have there daughter with somebody who can take over as the protector when they are ready to leave this earth, i must confess that i to would be worried to if my daughter linked up with somebody like your boyfriend, hopefully you can change him and he dosnt change you, a prime example is Amy Winehouse, look how she changed when she went with that chap of hers. thats exactly what your parents are worried about

Howard or Rudd?

Why would the people of Australia allow themselves to be put in the position of choosing between a liar and a bigot? Is it because they lack self respect, are extraordinarily ignorant and uneducated, and are predominantly racist and xenophobic? These two candidates and the Australian Government, Federal and State, make the US Government look like saints, and that's a very hard thing to do.

I dont know what to do. can you all help me?

You clearly know what you need to do, commit yourself to doing it. If you need motivation go on down to the grocery store and watch the people on the checkouts. Look at how bored they are. If you don't pull your finger out that's the sort of job you can expect, and it will only be for 40 years.

Your words inside a quotation.?

I think if you try to do this like you want, it will simply be confusing and marked wrong. You are supposed to incorporate your quotes and then explain them because you have to make your point clear. I have a Bachelor's in English and I'm an English tutor and I would definitely never want to see this in a student's paper.

Would cheetah print bedding look best with white furniture or black furniture?

Im redoing my room and im painting it a bright blue/aquamarine color and i don't know if i should have white or black furniture to go with cheetah print bedding. if you could give ur opinion that would help me a lot. Thanks:)

Whats the name of the Late night talk show after SNL on Saturdays in Seattle? Comedy skits about WA?

My husband and I are trying to figure out the name of show based in Seattle in the 90's. Had a guy with a bald head...sketch comedy. I believe it still runs sometimes after Saturday night live. Please Answer!

Are internships more important than work experience for college grads?

better question...know places you want to work?? you will be amazed to see how willing people are to talking to you about themselves. if there's a place [or a few] you want to work at call them up and ask to do an informational interview with someone. ask them how they got started out of school and what they are looking for. if you do this with a few people you will get a better picture of what the job market is really looking for. depended on where you work they may ask for different things.

Guys+Girls do you walk on the side of your ugg boots ?

Hi (im a guy firstly) and i like many guys and girls cant afford real uggs so buy cheap ones from topman. after about a month or two of wearing them they cave in at the heel end. i still wear them because theyre comfy and cant be bothered to buy a new pair. does anyone else do this ive wondered ? does it matter?

What are some good translation websites?

Okay so in British Lit cl we're reading Macbeth and we are now on Act 2. We've been divided into groups. My group has Act 2, Scene three. The ignment is to act out our scene in modern day terms. My teacher gave us different types of people to be: Ghetto, Western, Hippie, Mafia, Spanglish, Jamaican, New York, and Valley Girl. It's not a hard project but I need help translating things (such as normal English to Western or English to Spanglish). If anybody knows any websites I can go to to translate ALL of these, please let me know!

Will Titanic 3D break its previous "2D" record at the box office?

I doubt it. It might do decent but I doubt it will go over 100 million. It might p the 650 million of avatar added to the 600 million already, but I don't see it doing a whole 600 million all over again. Once a huge successful movie has had its day, it rarely does that good years later. Other movies have been re-released in the past, they never recapture the success of the past.

Your School's MaSCOT?

I am tryin to figure out everyones mascot for their school...... ex) tiger, trojan,lion, confederate....

Tattoo about Mozart: any suggestion?

what about a few bars of a piece of music by him? depends how big you want the tattoo... that would be really special because if you didn't read music you wouldn't know how significant it was. I hope that helps :-)

What is the paradox in this?! :D?

It may have to do with the fighting in war, and how they are so young but already know about and are being exposed to the horrors and violence of war. I'm not sure though, so you should get a second a opinion!

Is it bad to drink too much Orange Juice?

I drink a gl of orange juice in the morning and like 2-3 at night.. and days im off work I drink it all day. I do drinking water too.. like 2 bottles a day.. I know I need to drink more water.. but is drinking that much oj bad?

Question is in the detail?

ABCD is a rhombus whose diagonals intersect at O. If AB = 10cm, diagonal BD = 16cm, find the length of diagonal AC.

How bad must your senior year grades be for a college to revoke your acceptance?

I'm rather concerned that my college will revoke my acceptance. I have been admitted and enrolled to UNC Charlotte, and have also been accepted into their School of Architecture, which accepts no more than 52 applicants out of over 300. As much as I begged my high school counselor to switch up my schedule, I ended up having all electives first semester and all core cles second semester of my senior year. Needless to say, I had no problem with first semester, all A's and one C (in precalc, so I guess it wasn't ALL electives, but close). My second semester I made C's straight across the board, but I had three honors cles and an AP, which was a huge workload for me. My grades have always been rather average, but my SAT and ACT scores were outstanding, which is what I think actually got me into the School of Architecture haha. But I was wondering, I'm about to send my final transcript in, do you think that they might revoke my acceptance? I feel like they might if I declared my major as undecided, but since I've been accepted into the most prestigious School at the university (which requires us to spend HUGE amounts of money on laptops, drafting supplies, CAD programs, etc.), there's a better chance that they would not revoke my acceptance. Does anyone have anything to share on this? Thanks!

If you met Bruce Willis what the hell would you say?

I wouldn't say, "You're the worlds most crushing bore and that crude, jingoistic, macho, U.S. saves the world genre, is total pants", because I was carefully brought up. I'd just say, " How do you do", and think a-plenty.

Muslims, what if you're wrong?

Actually the Jewish torah has been changed for the consideration that Modern Jewish scholars have took out the name YHWH (Yahweh) and substitute Adonai and Elohim in its place.

Mums - what do you feel guilty about? ?

Notice that I didn't ask IF you feel guilty, lol! It seems to be a rule of motherhood that we must feel guilt over almost everything. It starts before the baby is born - did you give up all alcohol, smoking, caffeine? Then comes the birth - were you in hospital, did you have pain relief or even (god forbid) an epidural? Why are you formula feeding? Why are you using disposable nappies? Why do you/don't you co-sleep? Why do you/don't you use CIO? Why are you going back to work/staying at home? Well, I for one am FED UP OF GUILT!!!!!!! Imagine not caring what other people think of your parenting skills. Imagine always feeling sure of yourself and proud of your choices as a mum. Wouldn't that be great? I am hereby declaring a mother's guilt amnesty - tell me what you feel guilty about and you will be absolved. Amen to that!

I need a total of 10 sources. 3-4 primary. On Princess Diana?

Here is a web site you can go to and get the information you need it is a href="" rel="nofollow" There are alot of sites there so be prapared to do some reading, good luck on your report.

Fructose question?

I understand that blood glucose can be constructed via gluconegenesis of fats and proteins, but can fats and proteins be used to construct fructose? If not, what other dietary elements can? Or can fructose only be externally absorbed and utilized?

Any Mothers? Or anyone who had one....My Best.?

You had a great Mom with a great sense of humor & you're carrying it on for all of us to enjoy! Stay Sweet!

How are Slayer still so popular?

They haven't put out anything good or truly significant since 1990, and only had three really good albums total. I think they're very overrated, and Kerry King is one of the worst guitarists in metal. His solos are just random noise. And I've actually seen them live, so I know how bad he really is without all the studio help. Hanneman is better, but still not great. Araya isn't a good singer or bist. Lombardo is definitely a great drummer though, I think he was outcles the other members. I think a lot of their legacy is more just from their image, not the music (even though their three good albums were very good).

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How do i change my myspace layout!!!!?

ok welll i want to change my myspace layouttt n what i usually do is just take the code from the site and put it in my about me section! ttt its not workinggg n the old one isnt deleting even if i delete all of the codes in all of the sections!! so i madde a new myspace n took the code and puyt it in the abut me section and all it does it like make a little icon thing and says where the layout is from! >=( so can anyone help me?

How come Glenn Beck's never responded to the allegations?

This information seems to be all over the place and Glenn Beck is yet to respond to it. Is Glenn Beck a racist? Or does he condone ? There is some growing activity suggesting that he killed a schoolgirl in the 90's and may have d her as well. Has everyone else read that? Why wouldn't he just deny it on his show? What's stopping him?

Does serve morning sickness affect the size of your baby when it's born?

Im 6months pregnant with my 1st child. My morning sickness has only just eased up. Im still struggling to eat things i use to but am managing to keep alot more down. Some days easier then others. But in total i lost 8kgs from being sick and have now gained 6 of those kgs back. So technically speaking im 26 weeks pregnant and havent put any weight on. Everyone keeps telling me because i was so sick it would affect the rate of the baby's growth and i would end up giving birth to a 7lber or less? Is it possible or does it have nothing to do with it.

How can I change my style? When listening to the greats play... I get so jealous!?

When in doubt ,go with the basics and the basic way to improvise and stay near the tonic is to improvise rhythmically on the melody. Take a melody like Misty , which has lots of long notes that allow experimentation and can be improvised on without worrying much as to the harmonic density. Of course improvising this way is not the most wild and deep Jazz of say, Coltrane or Miles Davis working over the chords of a song,but the basics always lead to greater heights. Listen to Stan Getz and the way he plays The girl From Ipanema . He sticks close to the melody and creates the illusion of improvising!

Have you smelled any rife smells lately? C/C?

The air is smelling beautifully fresh now after reading your poem (smiles). A good write, well put and much enjoyed. I love - shaken not speared , oh yes, I simply love that.Shakespeare and James Bond together. What more could you ask for?

B&A: Whats Your Character Like?

My character lives in Victorian London in a single room in a block of apartments. She lives alone. She is about 5'2", very skinny (from malnutrition), has fine, pale blonde hair, and one functioning brown eye. The other eye is a clock face, which she always keeps hidden under bandages. She isn't exactly human; she's a sort of clockwork Frankenstein's monster, so she's biologically dead. A devout Catholic before she died, she believes she rejected God's plan in becoming a clockwork monster when she killed her creator, thus locking her soul inside her body. As a result, believing she is already damned, she becomes a mercenary, taking on the pseudonym Judas. She is used by various characters and organizations in the story, since she is to them (and herself, to an extent) just an object to be used. The story ends with her real name revealed: Emma (or maybe Nettie. It depends what suits her best).

My poem, what do you think?

The 2 answerers who say unify the tense and invert the sequence of the poem are absolutely right. And you got that good advice for free. Isn't the net a wonderful learning tool?


There is no presiding authority over such things with which to register. You can hire a private business consultant, or seek advice though the Small Business Administration or other such organizations. But generally, you have to build your brand before attempting to "franchise" to others, because by franchising, you're selling something very substantial to others, which they may or may not want to buy.

What is the name of this program?

Before my computer crashed, I had a free program on my computer that let me make and review simple flash cards. I can't remember the name of it, though. They weren't printable or anything fancy like that. Does anyone know what I'm talking about, or something similar?

What do you think about Sacha Baron Cohen, playing Freddie Mercury?

When you think about it kind of seems like it wont work, but Sacha is an brilliant actor.. I think he'll surprise people with this role. Good to see him not just go with the type casting roles..

Flawless complexion?

Ok, don't use powder... it's too heavy and won't give you any sort of glow. What you need is a lighter liquid foundation. You can put it onto a sponge that has some moisturizer on it already for a light and glowly look. The stuff I use (Almay Nearly Naked) is light enough already that I don't need to mix it with anything. Another thing you can do is wear a tinted moisturizer instead of a foundation. Stila makes one that is like a very thin foundation. I also believe Neutrogena makes something like that as well. They both have SPF in them, which is great for your skin.

Can I sue the wife of a husband whom I have a judgment against?

About a year ago, we bought units and hired someone to install central air for the newly purchased homes. We were to pay half at the start of the job, and the other half upon completion. We have worked with this guy before, as he had done excellent work on our previous home a couple of years ago and were happy with the results. Upon starting the job, we paid the half we agreed upon (for clarification, all of this took place in Los Angeles, CA). He asked us to make the check payable to his wife, as she handles all the finances of his business, to which we happily did. Then he showed up, brought all his tools. He made 3 holes in my ceiling and took off. He abandoned the job site (Even all his tools). We contacted the wife and learned that has fallen into a bit of a drug problem and she herself doesn’t seem him for weeks at a time. When asked to return the money, she became a bit hostile and said that the money (that was made out to her by us) was money that he (her husband) owed her and she is not responsible for any of his dealings. (Despite the fact that the note on the check said “For AC installation” which she signed and cashed). She pointed out that her name is not on the original contract we made out, and as a result cannot be held liable for her husbands actions. His wife has quick claimed him off every piece of property they own. We successfully sued him (he never showed up on his court date), but fear that we will never be able to collect as an ets investigator told us that we are pretty much out of luck on this one. Has anyone ever been in this type of situation? How likely is it that she can successfully claim this defense and win the case? As I understood it, aren’t the wife and husband seen as one in the eyes of the court? Aren’t the dealings of the husband the same as a wife (and vise-versa)? Can she really play this card and walk away with our money? Seems a bit unfair, but I do know that it’s a strong possibility. Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

What does this mean if this happens?

I have a 1987 f150 and when I pressed on the brakes hard enough the truck skids and does a complete 180 in the road. And I got a ticket. I wasn't trying to do it on purpose. What does this mean.

Which "REV" Nerf gun should I buy?

With the release of the Spectre Rev-5 and the Barricade Rev-10, I was wondering which Rev Nerf blaster I should purchase next, keeping in mind the Maverick Rev-6 is also a contender. I want to add a Rev gun to my arsenal. Personal experience, gathered research and value for money opinions welcome.

What are some good songs/bands!!

What are some good songs? I like We The Kings, All Time Low, Taylor Swift, Secondhand Serenade, AAR, FOB, MCR, Mestro Station, stuff like that...thanks!!!!!

Is My Ex Getting Revenge On Me?

Me and my boyfriend broke up for accusing him for cheating on me(which he was by the way)after we broke up,he spread a rumor about me.Then he called me and apoligized to me.Then he started being mean to me once again =| it made me so mad that i wanted to kill him.So he got a new hairstyle(which was UGLY!!)then he started being soooo mean to me!!He bumped purposly into me and saying"ewww you perv get away from me!"then he would knock down my books and scream"ahahahaha klutzy the clown hahahahaha"then people started laughing at me too.=( it made me so sad that i cried in 9th period.Some people are saying that he still likes me even though we're through.Why does he hate me?I didnt do anything mean to him in the past =| why is he treating me like a piece of crap

How do I get out of the "friend zone" ?

Okay so there is this guy name Leonardo. We both have been really good friends since 7th grade. Now we are going to be sophmores. I recently have started to have a crush on him. Yet, I think all he considers me is his "friend." How do I show him I want to be more than that?

Can I substitute white distilled vinegar for rice vinegar? ?

The recipe calls for rice vinegar for a marinade on a veggie salad side dish. I couldn't find rice vinegar at the store so I got the regular stuff, but I am afraid now that it won't substitute well. Any ideas? Thanks!

What piano piece/ chant did hugh grant play in Music and lyrics?

he did play a chant, a cute chant (not a song)that drew laughed at. i've heard that before also in korean soaps.

Which of these animals are the most endangered or the list in order?

You are really asking for a lot there. Try doing some of your own research and you may actually learn something.

Jury service - Moved from Scotland to England?

I have had a jury service summons at an address in Scotland which I left a month ago. I now live in England where I am on the electoral roll here. Does anyone know what my position is?

What are some cheap things that i can do to make my truck go faster.?

its a 89 ford f150 custom it looks really nice and sounds awsome with the custom exaust and it acceleates preety quick but i want it to go faster cause im like all guys already has a cheap racing chip in it i may buy a new one and the peviose owner changed the gear ratios to make it accelerate faster.. im kinda new at trucks and v8 engines i use to have a ford probe gt with a v6 so its new to me/

Whats your top 6 favorite songs at the moment?

1 Boom Boom Pow, Blackeyed Peas 2 Candle, The White Tie Affair 3 What Would You Do?, City High 4 We Made You, Eminem 5 Freeze Chirs Brown, T - Pain 6 Dead and Gone, T.I and Justin Timberlake

Why do people say Bono from U2 is a bad singer?

that's weird cause i have never ever heard of any one saying he has ever been a bad singer i like his singing been listening to all his music for about 5 years now Opeth~~~>

Anyone want to discuss the Living Environment Regents 2008 answers with me?

You pretty much covered everything. I got lost on the guard cells. I never learned it. What did you put for your answer?

Recommend movies like silence of the lambs

I dont want that scary horror movies, but thats like a thriller, kinna smart thriller, with that scary underlining like hannibal and silence of the lambs

Help me decide which WRESTLEMANIA matches to remove to complete my top 10 list for youtube, which do I remove?

It wasn't the greatest match insofar as actually wrestling goes, but the Hulk/Andre match should be on your list for the mere importance of that match to wrestling, period. Warrior/Hulk, perhaps, for the same reason.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Questions about Texas?

I'm Texan-born-and-raised, but have lived in other states and couldn't wait to get back here. Texas truly is different from other places, and it's a real pity that so many people just don't understand what it's like to be a true-blue Texan. The people are friendlier here, the state is unbelievably diverse, the music is great, etc., etc. Of course, I would prefer it if the people were a little more open-minded and less conservative, but I still get to vote the way I want and I've learned when to keep my opinions to myself in public...

Can I introuce a male finch?

Hi Guys, Here is the thing, I have had 4 finches for a long time, two males and two females they have all lived happily together for almost 2 years. Unfortunatly one male dies a few days ago (im not sure why, he was fine in the morning i got back that night and he looked dreadfull then yeah he only lasted a few more hours.) The four birds had paired off into male and female pairs they had nests and everything. When one dies I cleaned out the cage and put new empty nests in and nesting material on the ground. One male female pair made a new nest and are happy but the female who lost her mate is just bouncing around the cage on her own. Now to the question.....I want to get a new mate for the lonely female, i heard you cant have male finches in together is that true, because my two males got along great I dont want to get a male if it will hurt my other male though. So do I get a male friend or female friend for my lonely finch?

Was I lied to, abandoned and used?

she had a very difficult time herself but you gave her strength, love and hope. You will recover n know you will be well. I am sure she is grateful to you, so trust your heart you will meet someone lovely n faithful soon. Cheer up...I been there my heart still broken but we got to keep moving

Cant sign into twitter?

when i go to a href="" rel="nofollow" in my browser it prompts me as if it is a download and ask if i want to save ot or find a prgram online to open it. im weary bc idk if this is some kind of virus or scheme. I never had to do this b4 and i was just on it an hr ago. HELP!

Does anyone know if Robert Hanssen's spying (depicted in the movie 'The Breach)....?

was connected to the 911 attacks in anyway? I watched the movie and was curious as to if his betrayal had any ties to well known attacks other than the deaths of the Russian coverts.

What is a example on a imagery poem?

Im helping my 13 year old daughter finish her english profect. So if you have a example for a 8th grader, Thanks(:

How will the housing and credit markets crisis affect yours or your kids future?

is the housing and credit markets crisis just another form of terrorism or is it cannibalism, and why is the government not responding to the needs of the people effected by the crisis meaning the familys that are loosing there homes? Why does the government alow these so called Preditorial mortgage companys to abuse the human race. Is there a cure for the problem and if so WHAT IS IT?

Isnt it lightweight discrimination??

At my schools Sadie Hawkins dance.they of course had supervisors to make sure everything was under control..but it seemed to me like they were only watching one group of my school dances they black kids are usually posted by the DJ and the speakers in the front of the room..and everyone else the Asian kids and the Caucasian kids are usually in the back doing they’re thing..(don’t get all offended and put to much into it that just ho it is at school dances..that for every school I’ve ever went to.) But anyways the supervisors only stayed in the front of the gym where we were..and every time we (the girls) would try to dance on the guys.they would pull us away or threaten to kick us out the dance early if we didn’t dance so far apart (which is hecka boring) Or if the guys would try to turf (a type of dance) and battle each other they would get in the middle and be all in the way or try to break it up...Yet the whole dance they were never in the back supervising the other kids who were dancing all up on each other and weird...No one said anything to them or tried to break them up!!!

Do you want varejao-marion trade?

Yes, Marion is a faster player, great rebounder, could run well with LeBron on fastbreaks. Can rebound and steal and block great.

An awkward meeting? I do not believe I captured that at all. What do you think?

This is terrible, I just think I may hate it, who mentions Zip lock bags in a poem? I'll tell you who, You.

I'm interested to do my industrial training in Adelaide. Can someone list out companies/factories there. TQ?

I am a diploma student taking mechatronic course. I am Malaysian and very interested to gain working experience in Australia. I have friend that live in Adelaide, so getting a company/factories in that area is very convenience. Thanks to everyone who help me. ^_^

Do you give God glory for 9/11?

Mr. JM, Instead saying "Acknowledging that the disasters that had befallen Him were by God's hand" We may say (By God's permission). It is satan who asked permission from God to harm Job and cause him to curse God. But God to show all of us that Job was honest to God even in difficulties, He allowed Satan with limits. The Lord must be glorified with it all.

Small banks or big banks?

You can't trust the big banks, watch the movie Plunder. As you can see the stock brookers invested and stole nearly a billion of the general publics money by putting out conterfit house loans. The small banks usually give you benefits and you can take comfort in knowing they aren't investing in the big 10 companies.

What do you think of my poetry?

I think it's pretty good. Some things could be improved, like the fact that a few lines sound repetitive. There's a slight rhythm to it, which is essential for good poetry. If you're going to publish this somewhere. make sure you've got all the punctuation right because I had a hard time reading this since it sounded like a run-on. But still, you did a good job. :)

Where i buy a pumper in bangladesh?

Online is the best way to go. It is a method that is both private and prompt. Also, Bangladesh is still quite a conservative region, so you'll have a hard time finding a shop there that will have pumps in stock.

What is the Kc of this problem?

When 1 mole of ethanoic acid and 1 mole of ethanol are allowed to reach equilibrium 2/3 of the acid is converted to an ester. What is Kc?

Your trip to Mars is accomplished by using an elliptic transfer orbit going from Earth to Mars as shown in Fig?

uming your unshown figure represents a Hohmann orbit, taking the average of the two radii will give the answer.

Fave Medium character?

Obviously Allison is what makes the show so i love her, tho i wouldn't want her dreams that's for sure!!! I also really love little Bridget, she has alot of great one-liners and always make me laugh with all of the stuff she comes out with. I like that Ariel, Bridget and Marie have all got their own psychic abilities now like their mum. Telling me why will get you Best Answer. Thanks, Lisa Michelle x x lol x x

Alcohol and urine question - sounds like fun, doesn't it? - help me out?

i don't think that would alter your results . But when i looked at a show called Intervertion there was a lady that use to drink mouthwash as a way of getting drunk..good luck

1 km = How many grams will i loose ?

i want to lose 5 kgs by walking km how many km will i have to walk to loose 5 kg!!! please tell me!!!!

Any suggestions for a clical piano piece?

my piano teacher makes us do personal recitals every year where we play 9 songs for an audience of at least 10 people. i couldn't decide on just 9, so i'm playing 12. i'm playing Rachmaninoff's prelude in g minor, Liszt's un sospiro, Chopin's first ballade, and some others like those. but my teacher says that all of my pieces are romantic, and i need clical in my recital as well. any suggestions for good clical pieces that are the same difficulty level as the others i'm playing?

The Fate/Future of MGM?

Is the period between the Hollywood Studio System's collaspe and the present day been at best, turbulent for MGM (AKA Metro Goldwyn Mayer)? Is MGM almost destroyed by internal problems? Is MGM nearly bought out by Sony in 2004? Is MGM really, really, really, REALLY in dire need of new leadership and new direction? What will be the savior of MGM? What will save MGM from the brink of disaster in the darkest hour of MGM's History? What can we REALLY do to save MGM from the brink of disaster in the darkest hour of MGM's History? Well, What is your answer?

How can the Bible be relative to our culture when a lot of things in our current world didn't even exist?

The problem with the bible is that different people interpret it in different ways, so alot of Christians have their own views about the same book. It is very difficult to live in a modern world but abide by outdated laws.

Can illegal immigrants build credit? Do they even have a "credit report" with the big 3 agencies??

Ouch! My ears hurt when you said 'illegal immigrants'. Political correctness dictates that we're supposed to say 'undoented' immigrants. I hope no one was listening to you. Quick, take your PC hard drive up to the mountains and bury it deep and get a new one. I'm on your side.

How do I identify unknown solutions?

I remember this lab. You combine the unknown solution with other solutions and see what occurs. You should be able to see the solid created and determine at least part of the unknown that way. It's a lot of trial and error.

Last week i was in a taxi and the taxi driver said to me.So how do u think Stoke will do next season?

in the premiership.I said i think we will qualify for the champions league.He pi��ed himself laughing so much he nearly wrote the car off.How cheeky of him i say,lol

Help me figure out this kids song about mr crocodile?

Okay, Im looking for a kids song- says "ooh mr crocodile..." thats all I remember, but it did have hand motions, like when mr crocodile snapped and ate something. I really think it was like some monkeys teasing him or something to that effect. Im looking to find this for my kids...please help!

They keep ignoring me! WHy?

These girls are obviously not your friends if they leave you for that other girl. Find some new friends who aren't that nasty and remember, karmas a *****.

Would the U.S and its allies wage war on Iraq if it didn't have Oil?

Oil is the only reason anyone has any interest in the middle east. It is a huge sand-pile full of backwards people. If oil had never been found there, the people that live there would have been left alone, and they would still be nomadic goat herders, scraping to get by. The oil, and the wealth it has generated for the select few that control it, are the only reasons any other countries have had any involvement there. When is the last time you really wanted a date to eat?

What is the name of this song?

I was in a store yesterday and I heard a song on the radio, very familiar to me, but I forgot the name. It was a female singer, sounded kinda like Avril or Kelly Clarkson, and the lyrics at the beginning of the chorus were "You were everything to me" very high up when she hits the first part of everything, As I said, a popular song that could be played on the radio. Please help! :D

Altered..Advice needed please help me lupus wife?

If you love your wife, be with her and comfort her - she's probably finding this 10 times as hard as you are. You can always adopt if you have more trouble conceiving. Point is, she's your wife, you [should] love her enough to overcome this.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Who do you think was the most beautiful?

Marilyn Monroe was beautiful or y might describe her better in my opinion. Audrey Hepburn was er kind of thin or even skinny but had lovely dark hair and eyes. Judy Garland was a nice singer and Bette Davis was attractive but every where I look today I see women as beautiful if not a lot more beautiful than these movie stars. So, maybe I need new gles or something!!!! Just me.....

What is the point of school nurses?

You are only looking at it from you own point of view. You obviously do not have a major medical problem. At my school we have kids with heart problems and seizures, Asthma, Allergies that cause anaphylactic shock. That is what happened recently to a kid who go stung by a bee and because the kid went into shock he was not able to go inside and give himself a shot. Thankfully the nurse knew how to do it and she went outside and gave it to him. How is some one having a seizure of another kind of attack supposed to go into the bathroom and medicate themselves. Should we also ume that someone else is CPR certified for the student that has a heart problem or do you think they also have time to go into the bathroom and take some medicine. lets not even talk about the kid who jumped off the swing last year and broke their arm. Since you do not have access to anyone elses records I will ume that you don't know of all the medical issues as you call them that all the other students have and so you have no idea of the seriousness of them. I just read that recently a 12 year old girl in another school who died because there was no school nurse and in a panic she over used her inhaler because she could not breath. Another news article tells of a teacher whose life was saved by a school nurse after the teacher had been shot by a student. Oh and did I mention the kid that went into a diabetic coma. Should we have called his parents and said sorry but he could not go into the bathroom on his own to give himself a shot . Although some of these situations do not happen all the time but I would like to know that the nurse was there for me if it did. Lets not even mention the fact that the school nurses also have to do other things like reporting swine flu to the health dept and administers flu shots to students and faculty. I think that you should be grateful that you do not have any serious medical problem thus you free up the School nurses so they can be there for the ones who do.

What should i do?(depo vera shot)?

well majorly i stoped it because ive gain over 50 pounds in 3 months because of it,but i haven't had my shot since september, and ive been on my period since the beginning of February and it keeps getting heavier and heavier, i actually feel anemic i go through a super tampon on less than 20 minutes i can actually feel it just pumping out of my body its gross im 16, and im a type one diabetic, also i know that it causes bone loss, and i cant run because i feel like in my shin area my bone is gonna snap in half...also since ive started it ive been getting extremely painfull stomach pains, ive been to the hospital for, and they couldn't figure out whats wrong, also about 3 weeks ago i was actually...crapping blood...(i know gross) and later that night i vomited blood but my mom said its all normal???? lol yeaaaah this sucks what should i do no one is listening to me i keep begging my doctors to pay attention and they wont start me on any other birth control i dont know what to do im always tired and my heart rait is always going up for no reason

Lost touch... desperately want to get in touch?

well, try finding out through the bills of the pub - get help from the pub, and well thats the only way except facebook.

How is it possible to bring justice to a pseudo “police” officer who has violated your Constitutional Rights…

Well, if you sued the department and won... then you got from them what you are going to get. However, send your story to all of the newspapers... I am sure that they would have a field day over something like this... and it will make the department and judge look bad. Good Luck... that is a good way to embar them.

I would like to ask if the Mormons on Yahoo answers would please take a look at my apolaogy ?

A little while ago I posted a question about the Mountain Meadows Macre that angered the Mormons on this site. I am now trying to apologize to them for any misunderstandings (and for some of my ignorance) that may have come across to them when they read my post. So for that I would like to offer you my sincerest apologies, I do not have anything against you. Although I disagree with your religion, I do feel that Mormons are a very honest and good family oriented group of people (something that is rare to find in todays world). I would also like to clear up a couple of misunderstandings, when I was refering to Mormons deneying the macre I was refering to MY Mormon freinds, certainly not ALL Mormons. Also, I was never trying to slander you or your church, I was merely just trying to ask some questions about the things that I found about Mormonism, and the official LDS sites that some of you provided me with were of great help. As for the book they gave me, it was actually called "The Book of Morman" along with a group of three other books, and I apologize for my ignorance in uming that it was your version of the "Bible" as well as refering to it as "The Covenant" I now know that you use the KJV version of the bible. You must understand that I (obviously) did not know much about about your faith and I looked for information in the wrong sources (but that is easy to understand considering my little knowledge). I do hope you realise my deep contempt for those that I may have angered, and I just want them to know that this was not my intent. I know that you are good Christians and I would really appreciate it if you forgave me. Sincerely, jswolfman. (Also, I would also like more information on your religion, so any sources that you can provide for me would be of great help. And I will stay away from the bad sources, Thank You!)

Can someone critique the prologue to my story?

This has some good elements but this is too random for a prologue. Especially if this person is not a major character, why put this before your story? If this scene can be put somewhere into your story, why use it as a prologue? This is a great, descriptive scene but it isn't a good opening to a story. A beginning has to grab the reader's attention. A prologue should only be used to explain back story that can't be fit neatly into your plot. This is a good scene...It just doesn't have enough to grab the attention of the reader. It sounds like a fashion magazine article and there isn't any feeling to the characters. This is good but with some work this could be great. Best of luck!

What is the chemical equation?

For the recipe of the volcanic eruption used in many science projects is the reaction of baking soda and vinegar. when these compounds are mixed together, the salt sodium acetate is formed as well as a gas that extinguishes a burning flame and a substance that turns blue colbalt chloride paper pink.

Can you use an Alabaster ornament in a fish tank?

Do you know if Alabaster can be safely used in an aquarium with freshwater fish? I am having trouble finding definite answers online...Thanks!

Which season of the year is worest for stains when dressed up - for the women of yahoo only plz?

Summer. Fabrics are light colored and light weight. Many events are held outside. Chairs are dirty and people are more careless but you did not give summer as a choice

His friends talk about me?

what does it mean if a guy ive just met, shows his friends pics of me? they all know about me and recongize me whenever i walk down the corridor in school! could the guy like me? what does it mean??

Can i get dwarfism disability?

I am 17 and will be 18 in oct. i live in Georgia. am 4'9, Is this height the right height? I have been told i could get disability for my height is this true? if so how do i go abut getting it? My doctor told me i was through growing! Please help.

Chinese output surp united states by 2020? (nominal GDP)?

i have just done a very modest calculation, and the outcome is astounding if the chinese continue to grow at the rate they have been for the past 30 yrs, then in just 10 yrs from now, we'd see chinese output overtake united states to become world largest... (nominal GDP, not PPP guys!)

2008-2009 NFL Season Predictions?

Vikings... Super Bowl champs? I can see where you are coming from but... Tarvaris Jackson is the QB in Minnesota, thats like saying the Boston RedSox will win the world series with Barack Obama pitching every game

English !!!!!!!!!!!!!?

What objects or nouns do you think would stand for Atticus Finch in "To Kill A Mockingbird"? Why?

I need help on narrative poems?

i need to write a narrative poem. Must have some lines that rhyme, and have some similes, and some of all the other english stuff (metaphor, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, etc..)

Does dietary cholesterol effect blood cholesterol?

I read an article that dietary cholesterol has little effect on blood cholesterol, I was rather shocked, does anyone out there know if that is a true fact, or not?

Which College is best in considering becoming a PA(physician istant)?

I am considering Oakland University and Grand Valley State University. I know that GVS has the PA program and Oakland does not but I was willing to transfer after my first 2 years of obtaining my Bachelors degree. Which school is better overall such as in pricing, the student life, and housing especially? Please do not suggest any other schools. Does GVS allow freshmens to drive on campus?

He's not ready for a relationship and yet, he continues to give mixed signals?

Seems like he likes you he is just nervous about everything in his life and you don't want to be hurt, and im sure he doesn't want to hurt you also. He seems very sweet. I think you should keep giving him a chance, let him get comfortable with the fact that you two are friends and maybe he will get comfortable with more. Maybe the troubles from back home are really on his mind, he could be easily embarred and prideful. He could feel as if you turned him down when he was trying to explain "look i like you and want to do date you, but im stressed" just wait for his life to slow down and stuff, but be there for him.

Would you father another mans child? Admirable or just plain desperate?

well me being a mom i would say that it is hard to find a good guy now a days i really do not know about the kids behavior problems but if you really like this person you shouldn't let a child get in the way you never know the kid may grow to like you the best thing is to give it a chance you never know what could happen and if things do not work well at least you tried

How do germans feel about ww2 games?

Im an Brit and allways play FPS games, ususally ww2. Des it annoy germans being constantly being reminded of a lost war, or do you ignore the politics and the fact that your probably shooting at your own countymen, and just enjoy the game?

How do you quote a quote thats in article when writting an essay?

I'm writing an essay and i want to quote this: "Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country,'' Obama said in the second Oval Office address of his presidency.

A complaint is filed with 19 witnesses, should those witnesses be contacted prior to dismissing the complaint?

Yes, the feds do not investigate every complaint. They only investigate those that pertain to the nation as a whole. They merely told the state to deal with it.

Help with a question?

Although this country is a military dictatorship, corrupt and mismanaged, the people survive through the black market and unofficial border trade which is twice as large as the official foreign trade. It is _____________________________.

What episode do elena and stephen first kiss (in vampire diaries)?

in first seasonn you knoww when elenas like "i love you stephan and if u walk away now it's for you not me" or somthin lke that and then he turns around and looks like hes about to cry and walks over and kisses her.

2001 Motorcycle Parts for Triumph tt600?

what i need is new plastic all the way around..i live in illinois and last week i layed my motorcycle down about 40mph and mess up all the plastics..front fairing..rear..sides..everything that is plastic is messed up..i was wondering is there another bike that the plastics are similiar and might bolt up to my Triumph? because i can not find any plastics online ebay or anything...i called a dealer but they want $3000 for all the plastic...F that

Darkness and fear...only to be surprised by a warm gentle hug?

I had experience the presence of spirit many times ; and if they want they can be so soft and tender that you would think its a child ; but they are adult ; so yes I believe someone came to you and was saying I am protecting you and I will help you in your life in a near future

Why is Bush so confrontational?

Not just to Iran, Cuba, Venezuela but now Russia and Putin--what does it serve to talk tough when the whole world knows your tied down in a war.

How do you get over a miscarriage, husband says I am letting it consume my life?

I found out I miscarried on Jan. 17th. I should have been 7w4d, found out the baby only made it 6w4d. I don't know how to get over it. It is all I can think about. I am really heartbroken and depressed right now. My husband says I am letting it consume my life. I just don't think he really understands what I am going thru. We tried for a year and a half before I finally got pregnant with that baby thru an IUI. I have had my tubes checked, did clomid and femara, and had the ovarian drilling to drain the cysts off my ovaries. I am so frustrated because the doctors can't give me any reason for why I miscarried. They did genetic testing on the baby to see if something was wrong and there wasn't. Now they are running more tests to see if I have a blood clotting disorder. I am so sick all of the tests and sorry for TMI, but having l ultrasounds all the time to see if I am ovulating and everything else they have to do. I wanted this baby so bad, because it meant all that would finally be over and all the disappointments every month of either never having a period or not getting a BFP would be over too. I may have lost this baby early, but I seen the heartbeat and seen the baby on the Ultrasound, this baby was as real to me as if I would have had it. I just don't know how to get over this miscarriage. Everyone keeps telling me it will happen, but I tried for a year and a half and was thru tons of fertility treatments and finally got pregnant just to lose it makes absolutely no sense to me. So telling me it will happen, just upsets me and no I can't believe that. Anyone got any good advice?

Can the United Nations do anything about whats happening in Bangkok?

Can tell you know nothing about what's going on here. Central World which is in ashes right now is only a few years old. The United Nations can't do anything about North Korea or Iran, what do you think they can do about Thailand Debate this issue???? People riots and burned down malls, banks and a TV station also government building and you think the government acted to hard on them. The Red Shirts have many good points but doing what they did these past few days and last April does not help their cause.

Will you vote and if so what will be your reasoning for voting the way you do?

Labour seems the best way to vote in my opinion - As the Torrie's don't have a clue what they are doing and will say anything to win the Election, Lib dems are ok but could never realistically win the election. This country will be a Mess if the Torrie's win all they care about is pleasing there rich backers. and the poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer. There will be no chance for the normal man or women to progress further as the rich will benefit. What the Torrie's don't seem to understand not every 1 is lucky enough to have a Rich mummy and daddy so they can pay for the best education ecetra. Labour helps the Normal man or woman on the street progress and give them opportunities.

Snowboard sizing and bindings?

Im 12 years old and i need a real snowboard i d prefer one that is $120 to $150 do you know any sites that have bords that cheap and im also looking for some bindings that dont have the calf piece on them like the ones you can rent from sevensprings in somerset PA so if you find any websites that sell the ones that dont have the ones with no calf piece that you just snap in and go that would be great thanx

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What is the ingredient proportion of Oats, Barley,Bran, soyabean,linseed,?

There are a wide range of values for the proportions. The real question should be "How much protein is in the feed I am using?" Ask your supplier. The amount of protein should be based on the activity levels and age of the horse.

If you have a favorite safety-critical computerization project (my favorite is Collins submarine.............?

I know about one for a lending company. Probably not as glamorous and critical for national security as Collins, but I've followed this project with its ups and downs...very interesting...

I can't be with him. How do I move on?

So I went to a camp as a councillor and totally fell for this guy. I never told him I liked him because we live too far from each other. Now I have that heartache feeling. What do I do? :(

Now that the truth about her unlawful ethics probe has come out, is Palin officially the worst VP choice ever?

If the media would hang out Obama's dirty laundry it would far exceed anything Palin ever could have done. Besides her attorney say there is no financial gain involved therefore it is NOT deemed abuse!

Wizard101 How to use treasure cards?

make sure to have treasure cards in the deck you have equipped and also are you polymorphing and then trying to get the treasure cards? because when you are in a different form you cant use your treasure cards.

If I win $8000 at blackjack but won less than $1200 a hand, do I get a 1099?

The $8000 is yours on a table game as long as it isn't a jackpot situation. I hit a high hand jackpot Royal Flush in a $2-4 holdem game for $895. In poker the low limit is $600 for a jackpot for a 1099. I just got mine.


i HAVE OPPONENTS(REALLY ONLY 1 GOOD ONE). we have to make up a speach. Then we have to read it and make up some days. Like hatday, gumday, pj day, etc. I need some ideas!!! ASAP ( we have to read our speech on the 31st of october) ( halloween)

Company buying and selling motorcycles on ebay/craigslist?

Is it required to pay taxes on a financial profit made by selling a motorcycle on ebay or craigslist? I am considering starting a business of buying and selling motorcycles, but I'm not sure of the legal ramifications of this. I ume most people do not claim the profit on their taxes, but when you sell 25 motorcycles a year, the auditors may catch on. In addition, if I do start a legitimate company, I would probably start an LLC, but then the buyer would be required to pay sales tax, which may turn some customers away. Is there a high potential for a customer to sue me (for crashing the motorcycle after they purchased it from me) or does a private sale release the seller from all responsibility?

Highlights reappearing in my hair?

I had gotten highlights in my hair over the summer and just two weeks ago I dyed my whole hair dark brown to give it an even color, but my highlights are starting to show up again. Is there anything I can do to prevent this without continuously dying it?

What is a good tetra tank?

what different types of tetras go together for a 20 gallon tank. I would like bigger and colorful tetras that get along well . Thanks

Okay does he like me or what?!?

Well Silver, guys have been known to player hate? My bestfriend at the time even lied and player hated on me when his girlfriend wanted to hook me up with her bestfriend. Go figure. Is it possible Calvin lied? You better believe it is. If you are too shy to ask Moon yourself, have one of your friends ask him (Moon) if he likes you. Now isn't that simple? Good luck. Peace and God bless.

Sk8ing 4 while and what tricks should i learn 2 be sponsered by a small company.?

i have been skating for about a year and can do various tricks. tail stall,axel,rock 2 fakey,crazy rock and roll, nost stall,feeble,disaster, working on frontside axel and pop shuv rock 2 fakey, indy, melon, 180, nosegrab 8 decks ( airing out ) and some more for vert. i can do all these on at least decent size ramps. like 7 feet for smallest... i like skating street and can kickflip a big 3 which is like a 4 stair kickflip some gaps. pop shuv some. i can varial. 180, half cab, working on half cab flip, nollie, ollie of course, manual, tail slide, nose slide, boardslide some 2 1/2 foot rails and 50/50 some boxes. i can almost ollie 3 decks. but im wondering what tricks should i learn 2 become sponsered by a small compant perhaps one thats just starting up. i plan 2 work with those when i get better because im 11 and they like younger people. and as i get older go 2 dif companies. plz reply ( so my ? is what tricks 2 learn 2 get sponsered by a new sk8 company...)

Where can I locate former Playmate Kim Morris pictures?

I've checked her Yahoo Group and was disappointed to find essentially the same stock photos. I recently bought my first computer and perhaps I'm not navigating to the proper sites. Any ideas?

Help with Eskimo Spitz puppy name?

I am getting an American Eskimo, a cute little girl. I have a few names in mind. Carmen, Nelly, Anette, Emily, or Ayumi? Which one do you like more, or do you have a better name?

How to do something when your lonely and no friends around?

For 3 years I've had basically very little friends in school only because i've not talked much. I can say I'm shy around most people in school. Im not a weirdo I dress "normal" but.. I moved here 3 years ago haven't had many friends since then. My parents treat me like I'm a little child sort of and pay no attention to me. I have no friends outside of school. I get bored so usually if I go outside and play basketball alone. Sometimes I play video games all night since I have nothing else to do. I live in sort of a small town so there isn't many places to go. There was someone I used to play with down the road a few older guys but they always made fun of me so i stopped going out and they moved away. I tried hypnotizing myself once to overcome shyness, doesn't work let me tell ya :p. I'm not a mean person I'm nice to anyone I see sometimes I get made fun of for being overly nice. Sometimes if I have a bad day such as i see a girl i like with another guy I think of killing them or myself

Literary ysis Help me Please !?

No. It's asking you to take a literary work (for instance, Lord of the Flies) and yze the purpose of the symbolism or plot in the story. (Like, in Lord of the Flies, the conch shell symbolizes order.) You said a particular literary work, so I'm guessing there's a specific book you're supposed to be writing this about.

What if the aliens in the U.F.O.s turn out to be dinosaurs?

What if dinosaurs built the spaceships and they are coming back in them? What if people think aliens are giants because they were dinosaurs and they built stonehenge and the pyramids and all that stuff?

Which do you prefer, M&Ms or Skittles?

M&Ms. I love the peanut er M&Ms. Skittles are really sticky and i have braces, so i can't eat them really

Transvestite help...please answer idc if its a lousy answer?

If you're serious, then take your measurements and you can order from virtually any site that offers women's clothing. If whatever is delivered to you doesn't fit, just exchange it like you would any other article of clothing. I don't know about the "tucking" thing because I don't have the same equipment that you do. There is gender reignment surgery that has been available for years. I have no clue how you are going to do this without your mother knowing if you live at home. For heels, do the same thing - estimate at first. Even if you know a specific size, you'll wear different sizes depending on the styles. I know I can wear a big boys 5 1/2 in a sneaker. I'm not LGBT, but I can buy sneakers in the boys section for a better price than in the women's section *lol*. It's going to be a little difficult for you to mow the neighbor's lawn in a bikini and not have your mom know. You might just want to have a conversation with your family. Now, how can you feel more feminine? That's up to you. It's all subjective. Just feel like who you are. Do what you enjoy. But, I can tell you right now...the heels are going to kill your feet! One last piece of advice - if you're 24, it's time to move out of your mother's house anyhow. You're grown. Get your own place and live your life as you please.

How do I book bands for my venue?

I am a newish music booker for a venue in Southern California, and I can't seem to catch bands before they've booked their tour! We are a great venue for bands traveling from Los Angeles to San Francisco or vice versa, but how do I know who will be going on tour before they book all of their dates with other venues?

Was it wrong to say he chews gum like a tramp?

I was talking to my friend about some ual thing she said that was so funny and then he called me a tramp and I said well you chew gum like a tramp (he does) and he looked at me all funny like he wanted to kill me but decided to hold himself in check. Did I say anything wrong?

How do you get rid of blackheads?

I have a few and my mum is adamant that the only way to get rid of them is by squeezing them. However, that hurts like hell. I keep my face clean (I use Soap & Glory The Fab Pore Hot Cloth Cleanser – a good idea?) but they don’t seem to go. Is my mum right? Or is there something else I should do?

How is it everyone likes Martha Stewart despite the crime she committed?

Don't get me wrong; her furniture and dishes designs are nice, but she was tried and convicted for lying about her stock sales. And yet she has a successful show and an even more successful furniture and dishware line. How is that possible??? Can somebody help me out please???

Why do Christians ignore and not honour their god’s father, uous mother-wife, and his numerous siblings,

I gave you a star because the information you gave is interesting, but links to your sources would be appreciated.

(For women only) What is smothering? What is neglectful?

I've been told by a girlfriend [age 23] who I called twice a day, that I was smothering her (the same one who complained about men being neglectful and playing games) Likewise, I've been told by another girl [age 17] who I called every two days, that she didn't think I was that interested. Is this an exact science or what? Should I space my calls between 24-30 hours apart (sarcasm)?

I have ADD and can never do well academically in college, need advice.?

talk to a doctor. there is a medication many advanced students take, some not even with ADD, to help them focus. There was an issue in my hs with 2 many students taking it to help them focus for long periods of time on studying. I dont remember the name of it, but i know you need a perscription.

Who killed Juanita Nielsen? Why have the persons responsible never been brought to book?

There has probably been a few thousand unsolved murders in the decades since then and most of those will remain that way,thats just the way it is.

Do pedophiles have a distorted parental instinct?

Maybe. But some pedophiles do have kids and that's scary. Because some are just attracted to kids period, no matter who they are.

Ever see a teacher get pissed and walk out of cl?

I have twice in my life. Once in junior high in ypsilanti, mi at choir. No one would listen, and kept mocking the teacher. He threw his music sheet on the floor and stormed out. The second time was in college during a statistic cl. This was in nv. The teacher had a thick accent, and was nerdy. Some were bluntly poking fun at him and laughing. He threw his chalk at the board, said something and stormed out. He was pissed.

Making a Child Learn?

Take away the things most precious to her, Disney Princesses, things like that. You said the reward system doesn't work, but perhaps that is because she is spoiled (in your own words) and has many other things to occupy her. Take it all away. Anything that you do give her should be educational and fun. When you take her to the store, have her help you shop. Show her the prices and have her do simple math...I need 2 red toothbrushes and 1 blue many toothbrushes do we need? (one for each member of the family). Learning needs to be as fun as the things that distract her, be creative. If she does get retained, don't make her feel like a failure, instead, look at it as an opportunity for her to learn everything that she needs to so that she can be successful the next year. It could be that the culture shock of moving to China, and back affected her and you should be patient. Get involved as much as possible with teaching her yourself so that she will know that you are willing to put in the work that you expect of her.

How do I save my Bett Hound?

I live in senior housing, only pne month. They continually complain that he barks and people are afraid of him. He is a sweet, harmless dog. Allegations you wouldnt believe!

Can i pull it off?

I would keep your hair the same people would die for hair lyk yours+you can curl it for stmmer.But if you definately want a change then you are going to av quite a lot cut off for this style,why not try something in between 2 get used 2 length,then if can live with it shorter av this style.It will suit you because you have a pretty face+dainty features like nicole

Is asthma with bronchitis permanent?

I've had it since I was 2 . Now I'm 32 and still have it. I've always heard when I was growing up that I'd grow out of it but not yet.... I don't know I'm anxious to see what you other answerers say.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bronchitis & 6 months pregnant. ?

I had bronchitis at 6 months too. Unfortunately I wasn't allergic and the antibiotics did wonders, but the cough medicine helps too and is safe for the baby. Your OB wouldn't prescribe anything harmful to the baby. Good luck - I hope you feel better soon!

Why no debate on Global Warming or whatever the left calls it now? What happened to discussion of sound facts?

If we don't change our ways now, no one will have to worry about spending trillions of dollars in the future, because there will be no people to spend it, and no planet to produce goods to spend money on.

What is the best sneaker store to buy from that sells authenic sneakers or is a store like eastbay?

or does anyone know a place in brooklyn where i can buy the Air Jordan Countdown Pack which has the IX and XIII

Where can I buy Gatsby Styling products in Denver Colorado?

does anyone know where theres a shop that sells any Gatsby products in or around denver colorado? Thanks :D

2000 Plymouth/dodge neon tire size. will 195/70r14 fit the car had 165/65/r14?

i have a 2000 plymouth neon, has 165/65/r14 tires on it, the brake calipers on the front BARELY have clearance, one rim was actually bent slightly, and the inside was rubbing the brake caliper. someone wants to sell me a set of 195/70/r14's on rims, would they fit this car, there is about 3 inches between the front strut and tire, and probably the size of a quarter between the caliper and rim on the front, i need to know because its a good deal, 4 like new tires and rims for $100, and if they would fit, fix the issue with the brake caliper, and not hit the strut, and possibly raise the car a inch or two from the ground, that would be great, the car seems to sit lower than it should, has great suspension, but if you go over a speedbump, thats about 4-5 inches from the ground, it will hit the bottom of the car. please advise, need to know asap. thanks again!

Huawei Ascend Youtube App for METROPCS?

Hi I saw this phone in the store today and I am considering buying it because I really love it, what i want to know is does youtube work on the metropcs version? is there a youtube app for the metro pcs version? Is there anyone out there who has this phone? please tell me all you can about it and what your review is on it. Thank you

I wanna take a trip and some my friend P-town, Martha's Vineyard or Nantacket??

I have been to Martha's Vineyard and was not impressed but maybe if I go to Oaks Bluff this time that would be better.

10th grade chemistry question!?

the isotopes of magnesium (and their percent abundance) are Mg-24 (79.0%), Mg-25 (10.0%), and Mg-26 (11.0%). Calculate the atomic m of magnesium. NOTE: to one decimal place, the m of each isotope is equal to the m number. Thus, the m of an atom of Mg-24 is 24.0 amu.

What online store has really cute clothes?

Not including forever 21, alloy or delias. I'm getting tired of those. Any recommendations are helpful. Thank you! :)

Anyone else notice something a tad funny?

Yeah, and not wanting "In God We Trust" on my money is a violation of their religious freedom. lulz.

About the purpose of the Live Earth Concert 2007?

Hi there, as all of you know it pretty well that, Al Gore organized that very great Live Earth Concert 2007, the purpose of it is to save our planet Earth, now today, the Concert itself is getting backfire, people are even questioning why on earth did Al Gore organize such a concert? The concert itself serves nothing but bring much fun to celebrate our Earth. The concert itself does nothing to serve the purpose of saving our planet Earth. Yes, I do agree with people thinking that way. As you can see, on the concert, there have been so many hotties performing live on stage. Such as: Shakira, Rihanna, Madonna, Joss Stone, and Kelly Clarkson just to name a few. All these hotties can do nothing but to make our planet Earth hundreds times much hotter! Any comments or feedbacks are very welcome!

Girls Wetstuits Brands?

My gf is interested in buying a wetsuit and I was just looking for some personal opinions on brands. I own an O'neill and love it and ume they would also make great womens suits, but is there a chance that maybe Roxy is better for girls? Or another brand? I dont need a lot of details, but was just wondering if anyone has any specific experiences. Thanks.

An enzyme called a reductase would ____________ to a molecule.?

the answer is G, reductases add hydrogen protons/atoms to a molecule, while oxidases add an Oxygen atom.

Where Can I get Drum Notations for songs?

Where Can I get Drum Notations for songs because I would like to play beats from songs Like Gwen Stefani Wind It Up.

How long is the wait time in navy dep?

Figure 9-12 months with a very real chance of rolling your date up if a seat opens up and you want to take it.

Cheap Electric Fireplace?

I am in the process of redoing my room...I'm looking for a electric fireplace that is a deep mahagony color...not black...thats not bigger than 2 feet thats no more than 150 dollars...similiar to the CLIC FLAME Americana Bronze Electric Stove...does any one know where i can find one for that price?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Probably a stupid question? Is the southern cross star constellation only visible from the southern hemisphere

No, it's visible for at least part of the year for people as north as 30 north. ie it has a declination of South 60 at Lat South 60 it would be directly overhead so subtract 90 and it would be on the horizon ergo - North 30 is the limit.

Does anyone know where I can buy the dress from Hilary Duff's Material Girl movie? Pic includ.?

It is so cute! But unfortunately, the case for this type of stuff is that the costumes for movies are special made.

Hair growth question?

hi, i plan on growing my hair, to get dread locks. i started growing my hair back in march of this year. its growing but its uneven. Ive tried alot of products and right now im using doo gro hair growth oil and the vitalizer. does anyone have any other suggestions to use for faster hair growth. doo gro hasnt been working that well for me. And ive been taking vitamins twice daily morning/night

Get rid of bruises thats a few days old?

bruises will naturally heal on their own there is no way to hurry it. bruises are injuries to the blood vessels without breaking the skin. time is the only thing for bruises, depending on how deep the bruises are is how long is will take for them to heal and some people heal faster then others.

What kind of pj's should I get?

I am buying on down long sleeve shirt PJ's with long pants and I am wondering wether or not I should get them in flannel or cotton. Flannel is more expensive and cotton is cheaper. The problem with flannel is they are great to wear around the house but I might get sweaty with them under the blanket. Cotton is ok because they will feel good under the blanket but I might get chilly around the house. P.S. I have to sleep with a blanket on

Is bi-polar hereditary?

Getting right to the point ... my husband committed suicide 4 yrs ago and now my 18 yr old son admits to me last night that he recently had suicidal thoughts also.

Has anyone seen the radio show between James Wickstrom and Abe Finkelstein?

You schmuck! You couldn't tell that the Rabbi was being facetious and making fun of this lunatic Jew-hater?

Sorry but why are Americans so bad at aesthetic design compared to Europeans?

Because Americans are designers, not innovators. With European and other countries you create, invent things that are new and beautiful. Americans are generally lazy, so their moto is 'if it works, why change the system?' It'll just cost money and labor which the people up the ranks don't want to spend; rather save up cash and buy stuff for themselves from Europe.

My sister is has an intellectual disability, is this hereditary?

My sister has an intellectual disability and my brother ped away when he was a year old, he was premature and was not able to digest and swallow food. I came out normal, however, because my parents are first cousins I ume this is the reason for my sister and brothers medical diagnoses. I want to know if when I get married, will or do I have this gene in me to p onto my children?

What is an example of an allusion in Flowers For Algernon?

flowers aren't an allusion in themselves, though they can be metaphorical. But one allusion that probably exists is the reference to Adam in the bible, with Charlie's new knowledge and how to understand it.

Which is the better sequel: The Dark Knight or Terminator 2: Judgement Day?

This is probably like comparing apples to oranges, but it would be interesting just to see the turnout. Terminator 2 has received mention as possibly being the best sequel ever made for years now. The Dark Knight was an instant hit and currently ranks third in the box office, ironic enough, sitting behind two James Cameron films.

Losin weight fo luv?

Helwo. I am currently 269 lbzzzz. mah man is 100 lbzzz he iz always talkin bout some 'u 2 big u fixin to crush me!' but i alwyas eat a whoppah some biggie frie a large dr peppah an a hershey sunday pie everyday it is so0o0o g0o0od and t to the a to the s-t-e-y o0o0o it's tasteyyyy. an anywayz he bout to eave my azz fo a 200 pound supah model day skinny bizatch. wut shuld i do? lose da weight or da man?

Libs, would you let Obama tuck you in at night?

If it would make a con cringe, I sure would. But, unlike cons, I don't need to feel all safe and secure to sleep at night. Just listen to them for a few minutes... the word safe is always creeping into whatever they are whining about.

My bf wants to take me to a topless beach for our 3rd date?

Don't actually go! Have some cl make him wait a bit before he gets to see em... gosh thats a pretty stupid way to get some action man I can't believe youd fall for that what is this world coming to....

Is this photograph any good?

I like the way your main subject travels in a diagonal across the image. The upper right is really wasted space and should be cropped out. The cross processed look is not bad and aside from technical issues, it is a pleasant photo.

Is drinking maple syrup healthy?

Oh God no! Unless you want to die from extreme sugar over dose and cardiac arrest, it would not be wise to drink it like they do in Super Troopers. That would be ridiculously stupid. Your blood sugar would shoot way up, migraines, your heart rate, stomach pain, it would be bad all in all.