Thursday, August 11, 2011

What is the point of school nurses?

You are only looking at it from you own point of view. You obviously do not have a major medical problem. At my school we have kids with heart problems and seizures, Asthma, Allergies that cause anaphylactic shock. That is what happened recently to a kid who go stung by a bee and because the kid went into shock he was not able to go inside and give himself a shot. Thankfully the nurse knew how to do it and she went outside and gave it to him. How is some one having a seizure of another kind of attack supposed to go into the bathroom and medicate themselves. Should we also ume that someone else is CPR certified for the student that has a heart problem or do you think they also have time to go into the bathroom and take some medicine. lets not even talk about the kid who jumped off the swing last year and broke their arm. Since you do not have access to anyone elses records I will ume that you don't know of all the medical issues as you call them that all the other students have and so you have no idea of the seriousness of them. I just read that recently a 12 year old girl in another school who died because there was no school nurse and in a panic she over used her inhaler because she could not breath. Another news article tells of a teacher whose life was saved by a school nurse after the teacher had been shot by a student. Oh and did I mention the kid that went into a diabetic coma. Should we have called his parents and said sorry but he could not go into the bathroom on his own to give himself a shot . Although some of these situations do not happen all the time but I would like to know that the nurse was there for me if it did. Lets not even mention the fact that the school nurses also have to do other things like reporting swine flu to the health dept and administers flu shots to students and faculty. I think that you should be grateful that you do not have any serious medical problem thus you free up the School nurses so they can be there for the ones who do.

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