Thursday, August 11, 2011

What should i do?(depo vera shot)?

well majorly i stoped it because ive gain over 50 pounds in 3 months because of it,but i haven't had my shot since september, and ive been on my period since the beginning of February and it keeps getting heavier and heavier, i actually feel anemic i go through a super tampon on less than 20 minutes i can actually feel it just pumping out of my body its gross im 16, and im a type one diabetic, also i know that it causes bone loss, and i cant run because i feel like in my shin area my bone is gonna snap in half...also since ive started it ive been getting extremely painfull stomach pains, ive been to the hospital for, and they couldn't figure out whats wrong, also about 3 weeks ago i was actually...crapping blood...(i know gross) and later that night i vomited blood but my mom said its all normal???? lol yeaaaah this sucks what should i do no one is listening to me i keep begging my doctors to pay attention and they wont start me on any other birth control i dont know what to do im always tired and my heart rait is always going up for no reason

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