Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What to do about my child's school?

ok i have a 5 year old boy in kindergarten. hes a bit rowdy but has never been violent towards other children. every since school started ive been getting reports home that hes been hitting, kicking, spitting. i understand new places are hard to adjust to so i was taking the teachers word for it. so when my son gets home he get his tv time taken away and put in the Corner. i send a note to school abut 2 times a week asking various questions and the teacher wont respond. she suggested i get him tested for adhd (which there's a good chance my son might have it since me and his father both do) i tried putting him on medications but it made him clumsy and he refused to eat anything. i did some more looking and found the medications contain amphetamine the same ingredients found in speed and cocaine. not to mention some kids have even died from them. so i took him off and refused to put him on any of the other medications. the teacher keeps suggesting different medications but i stand my ground no! when in gym another of his teachers noticed his shoe was in like 5 different knots. and made him sit in time out till he untied the knots. he told her he couldn't do it but she still made him sit there so he got frustrated and threw his shoe at her. i in no way condone the throwing of his shoe and did punish him. but she called to tell me what happen and admitted she herself could not undo the knot . so what makes her think my 5 year old could undo it? then i get a call from mrs. nash saying the teacher sent a referral that my son wont follow direction and is having academic trouble. when the teacher told me my son was getting 100s on all his test. then when i talked to the teacher she said he was right on grade lvl but he will fail in the future. i tried talking to the principle but she takes the teachers side. since my son has already been deemed a trouble maker. before school first started we were told we could come up and sit in cl and observe our child. but now that school has started we have to wait at least 6 months in before they let us do that. on many occasions the school flip flops what it says. yesterday my child came home with a bump on his head from falling. when i asked his teacher why wasn't i told she said cause it wasn't life threatening. and he never told her. then she goes on to tell me he falls out his chair alot and last week when he fell out his chair and hurt his he mooned her to show her his boo - boo. so using that same logic if he only barely hurt his bottom and told her when he hit his head and came home complaining about a knot on his head wouldn't he have told her since it was much more painful then the bottom issue? i think since my son has already been deemed a trouble maker they treat him differently. so what should i do?

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