Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mums - what do you feel guilty about? ?

Notice that I didn't ask IF you feel guilty, lol! It seems to be a rule of motherhood that we must feel guilt over almost everything. It starts before the baby is born - did you give up all alcohol, smoking, caffeine? Then comes the birth - were you in hospital, did you have pain relief or even (god forbid) an epidural? Why are you formula feeding? Why are you using disposable nappies? Why do you/don't you co-sleep? Why do you/don't you use CIO? Why are you going back to work/staying at home? Well, I for one am FED UP OF GUILT!!!!!!! Imagine not caring what other people think of your parenting skills. Imagine always feeling sure of yourself and proud of your choices as a mum. Wouldn't that be great? I am hereby declaring a mother's guilt amnesty - tell me what you feel guilty about and you will be absolved. Amen to that!

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